Medical Care You Can Trust

Healthcare you can trust, compassion you deserve

Family doctors, primary care physicians and medical care specialists are the backbone of any community, and Imperial County is no different. This is why Premier Patient Care medical group offers patients across Imperial County with over 300 medical care physicians, including

  • Over 100 primary care physicians and family doctors
  • Over 200 physician specialists, including dermatologists, cardiologists, neurologists, surgeons and many more.

Our Health Plan Partners

You Deserve Premier Patient Care’s High Standards

For many, selecting the right family doctor, primary care physician or medical care specialist is an important decision that can make a positive impact on anyone’s life. This is why the high standards of Premier Patient Care provide you the medical care that you deserve. We ensure our physicians provide the best services in several ways:

Fast Approvals

Support both patients and physician offices.  Many member services are available through Direct Referrals.  An Easy Online Referral Portal assists physician offices when a referral is needed for a member including over 50 Auto-Approved Authorizations immediately faxed to you.

Easy Claim Submission Process

Supports rapid claim payment with easy submission options.


Local Provider Support and Training

Support and training are provided by an experienced Provider Advocate expert to support your practice with administrative and financial needs. We have available  Certified Coders and CMS Star Experts to help you achieve a 5 Stars Quality score.  Support Programs and Training are provided in both the Physician office and at off-site training meetings.

Easy to navigate Provider Portal

Easy to navigate Provider Portal to check Eligibility, process Referrals and Claims. Contracted Premier Patient Care IPA providers can select the following links to access the your Provider Portal for Referrals and Claims.