
Provider Compliance Training

ProCare Code of Conduct


ProCare HIPAA HITECH — Training Materials


Medicare Fraud & Abuse: Prevent, Detect, Report


CMS Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Training (Medicare)


Training Attestation Form


CMS Strategic Language Access Plan (LAP)


Cultural Competency Training


Notice of Privacy Practice 2023


PPC Members Rights and Responsibilities


Required Annual Model of Care Training

Scan Health Plan Model of Care Training

Online Attestation for Scan Health Plan MOC Training

SCAN 2023 SNP Model of Care (MOC) Trainging FAQs

2023 Special Needs Plan (SNP) Model of Care Taining for 2024 SNPs

Online Attestation for Scan Health Plan MOC Training

Bright HealthCare Model of Care Training


HealthNet Model of Care Training


Molina Health Care Model of Care Training


Affirmative Statement Memo

In accordance with state and federal regulations, please be aware that all Premier Patient Care on behalf of all Providers and Physicians in our IPA’s network, utilization Decisions regarding requests for medical care are based on the medical necessity of the request, the appropriateness of care and service and existence of coverage. There is no monetary reward for non-approval of services. Compensation for individuals who provide utilization review services does not contain incentives, direct or indirect, for these individuals to make inappropriate review decisions.

Utilization review criteria, based on reasonable medical evidence and acceptable medical standards of practice (i.e. MCG and/or applicable health plan guidelines) are used to make decisions pertaining to the utilization of services. Review Criteria are used in conjunction with the application of professional medical judgment, which considers the needs of the individual patient and characteristics of the local delivery system.

Any Member Or Physician Looking To Obtain A Copy Of The Criteria Used To Make A Clinical Decision May Call our Customer Service Line At 657-206-8700 or email Request The Documentation Be Sent To You.

Advance Care Directive

If you have not already done so, you should think about completing an Advance Health Care Directive. Also known as a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, an Advance Health Care Directive can help ensure that your wishes concerning your medical care are followed if you are unable to make your own health care decisions. You can designate a person to be your “agent” in making some or all health care decisions for you at any time that you may not be able to make such decisions for yourself. Your agent can be anyone over age 18, except your physician or his/her employees.

Under California law, all adults of sound mind have the right to make their own decisions with regard to accepting or refusing medical treatment or life-sustaining procedures. The multi-part Advance Health Care Directive is a legal document through which you can communicate your wishes about the care and treatment you want—or don’t want—if you reach a point where you are no longer able to make or articulate your own health care decisions. You may want to discuss these decisions with your physician and family members.

Talk to your PCP about setting up an Advance Health Care Directive. They make very good legal sense for anyone over 18 years of age.